Thursday, 28 April 2016

Which Branded Sunglasses In Dubai Is An Opulent Luxury?

Do you know the brands INDBERG and ZEISS? It has been working together for some time. These are one of the branded sunglasses inDubai that can be found online as well as at the luxury stores. Why the early frames were were equipped with solar ZEISS lenses in 2009?

We decided at the time to choose the ZEISS lenses while searching for a partner to give our glasses exceptional visual performance, optimum UV protection and attractive colors. ZEISS met our requirements for our products. It was in 2009. Let's look more closely at the solar collection this year. Where do you get your ideas for shapes, style and colors of the frames and lenses?

At LINDBERG, we do not believe that inspiration comes from fashion past years. On the contrary, we like to find in the present time and the objects that surround us, and even the everyday things, such as music or food, which can be a major source of inspiration. For us design a frame is a way of thinking about the shapes, colors and materials, and their association with the technology, the luxury craftsmanship and comfort. And although we have inspiration in many different things, we always keep in mind the fundamental value of LINDBERG, a rimless hinge. We want to ensure that our sunglasses always meet the standards we have set - to be attractive and comfortable to wear. These are definitely one of the brightest Branded sunglasses in Dubai. 

Solar LINDBERG Branded sunglasses in Dubai frames are equipped with ZEISS sunglass lenses. How and when choosing the glass he influences the Frame design process? The glasses are a very important component of our sunglasses. Our classic frames adopt a new look every time, we change the size and color of the glasses. Take our 8570 model - just change the color of the glass and the frame immediately - so far very discreet - becomes flamboyant and intractable. So, yes, we can say that with sunglasses ZEISS, we give our sun wear a certain singularity. 

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